Stop Endless LAX Carmageddon from Marta Evry on Vimeo.

But we still have one more shot at this. On Wednesday, April 24th the full City Council votes on the proposal to move LAX's North runways 260 feet and shut down Lincoln Blvd. for construction.
So here's what we need you to do, right now.
If you haven't signed our petition, do it right now.
Sign the petition. Tell our elected officials we want to make LAX a world-class airport without moving runways, shutting down our streets and causing Endless Carmageddon.
Every signature triggers an email that will go directly to the Council members. The more signatures we get, the more emails they'll get.
Forward this email to your friends and neighbors, right now.
Ask them to imagine the Carmageddon-like congestion that would ripple all throughout Los Angeles if Lincoln Blvd. is shut down for construction. Ask them to imagine adding an hour to their daily commute.
Now ask them to imagine that going on every day for years.

Make no mistake, LAX needs to be modernized. That's why we support a plan already on the table to upgrade the airport terminals, finally bring the Green Line to all the way into the airport, and add more air traffic controllers and much-needed safety features to the existing runways.
But with a price tag of over $500 million just to move the runways, the plan being pushed by the Chamber of Commerce and the special interests running LAX makes no sense: there is no justification in terms of safety, efficiency, job creation or environmental benefits. Worse, it could cause lengthy construction disruptions to this vital north/south transportation corridor, resulting in constant gridlock across the region for years to come.
Sign the petition. Tell our elected officials we want to make LAX a world-class airport without moving runways, shutting down our streets and causing Endless Carmageddon.
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