Want to follow up this health care reform bill with another that sets up a public option?
Want a shot at even getting the existing health care reform bill passed to begin with? Want to repeal DADT sometime in our lifetimes? How about a climate change bill? Clean energy? Or a jobs bill that does more than cut taxes for the super rich?
Because none of that has even a chance of happening if a Republican takes Teddy Kennedy's seat in Massachussets on January 19th. And according to the latest polls, there's a 50/50 chance the Democrat, Martha Coakely could lose this race to Republican Scott Brown.
Time to get off our asses, get on the phone, and do the work.
Here is what we need to do.
Go to the OFA website - either sign up for an account or sign in with your existing account.If that link doesn't work, try this one, scroll about half way down the page and you'll find another link to start making calls.Once you're signed in, a page will come up with a list of numbers for you to call. You'll also see this script:Hi is ________ home? My name is _________. I'm a volunteer with Organizing for America, the successor organization to Obama for America, and I'm calling for Martha Coakley's campaign for Senate. There's a special election on Tuesday, January 19th, the day after Martin Luther King Jr. Day.Can we count on your support for Martha Coakley, on Tuesday January 19th?Yes No/Uninterested Undecided[If Yes] Great!Do you know what time you will make it to the polls? They are open from 7am to 8 pm.Before Work Morning Afternoon After Work EveningDo you know how you'll be getting to the polls?Car Public Transportatio Other Don't Know[If don't know:]Do you need a ride to the polls?Yes No[If they need a ride] Great. You can sign up for a free ride to the polls at: 800-485-0444Please make sure everyone in your household votes as well. Thanks so much for your time and your vote![If they mention voting absentee] Town halls are closed on Monday, January 18 due to the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. You can go to your town hall any other weekday and request an absentee ballot form and turn it in right there. Also, the form can be found on line at http://my.barackobama.com/Jan19MA. If you will be absentee voting after Tuesday, January 12, you should go to your local town hall in person instead of mailing in the absentee request form.[If No] Thank you for your time.[If Undecided/Needs More Info] Martha will fight to create more jobs and better health care. Her track record shows that she will protect children and the elderly and will take on Wall Street, the way she has as Attorney General. Right now, the national Republican Party and extreme right wing groups are pouring money into Massachusetts hoping to derail critical programs that protect seniors, children and working families. That's why we need your vote on Tuesday, January 19. You can also get more information at www.MarthaCoakley.com.[If not home, leave this message:]My name is ____________________ and I'm a volunteer on behalf of Martha Coakley's campaign for Senate, calling from Organizing for America, the successor organization to Obama for America. I'm calling to make sure you're planning to vote on Tuesday, January 19. That's the day after Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The polls will be open between 7AM and 8PM. The national Republican Party and extreme right wing groups are pouring money into Massachusetts hoping to derail critical programs that protect seniors, children and working families. That's why Martha needs your vote on Tuesday, January 19th. You can go to www.MarthaCoakley.com for more information. Thank you!Start calling, enter your results on the site as you go.Lather, rinse, repeat until January 19th, election day.
Not happy with Obama's legislative agenda in 2009? Guess what, me neither. But here's the thing, I don't think things will really improve all that much if a Republican takes Teddy Kennedy's seat in Mass. In fact, I think it would be fair to say, you can kiss not only any semblance of health care reform goodbye, but any hope of passing even a mildly progressive agenda for the rest of the year. Maybe even for as long as Obama is President.
We can't blog our way out of this. Making endless comments on Daily Kos about how it serves the DSCC right won't do a damn thing except make Republicans extremely happy on January 19th.
I hate to be this blunt, but let's be honest. If some of you could just bring yourselves to spend as much energy phone banking to Mass as you have been debating who's progressive enough or who's sold their soul to Jane Hamsher, you might actually make a difference here.
Folks, let's be less concerned about teaching lessons than learning them.
If Coakley loses, can Rahm Emanuel take over the seat? Can he break a filibuster? Can he get us the health care we deserve?
Let's get it done.
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