A turf war between competing Tea Party groups has resulted in a truly stunning bit of organizer fail. The so-called "Tea Party Patriots" published the private phone numbers and email addresses of all the new incoming Republican members of Congress.
Several days after we announced our Freshman Orientation another organization, Claremont Institute, announced that they were having one too, on the same day, at the same time. They are promoting theirs in a way that makes it appear as an “Official” Freshman Orientation.....Do you want the first event your incoming Freshman Congressmen attend to be an event hosted by the grassroots Local Coordinators of Tea Party Patriots and the Congressmen and Senators who are willing to support them in their drive to restore the US Constitution? Or would you rather they attend an indoctrination organized by DC insiders and lobbyists, members of The Ruling Class? Do you want your incoming Freshmen Congressmen to attend an event where they will get the support, encouragement, and knowledge they need to begin to restore our Constitution or do you want them to attend an event where DC insiders can begin to corrupt them?The water in the Potomac is infected with the politics of the past and needs to be boiled to be cleansed and then steeped in fresh tea. You are the fresh tea. Today we need your help.We need you to call & email these incoming Congressmen & tell them you want them to attend YOUR Tea Party Patriots event.
Roll Call tested the authenticity of the numbers and verified that at least some of them were correct. Congressman-elect Ben Quayle's, for one, had already been changed.
While some incoming legislators seemed to willingly accept that they'd be getting a number of calls, Brian Kennedy, president of the Claremont Institute, seemed less enthusiastic about the nature and tone of some of the people that had been calling.
"After a mass e-mail was sent out calling for Tea Party members to harass me, effectively, I have received many nasty and threatening calls saying we should 'stand down' and that 'they have my number,'" he told Roll Call in an email.
What's even funnier, is some on the list - like David Harmer - lost their election. In any case, do be sure to bookmark this page and put these folks on speed-dial. Feel free to ask them about all those jobs they promised to create.
Contact Info for Newly Elected Congressmen
Dist First Name Last Name Phone Email
AL-02 Martha Roby - (334) 315-1925 - martharoby@gmail.com
AL-05 Mo Brooks - (256) 652-3833 - mbrooks@leo-law.com
AR-01 Rick Crawford - (870) 919-0305 - erc@meetrickcrawford.com
AR-02 Tim Griffin - (501) 837-5190 - griffinjag@comcast.net
AR-03 Steve Womack - (479) 936-0234 - womackforcongress@gmail.com
AZ-01 Paul Gosar - (928) 853-6225 - paul@drgosar.com
AZ-03 Benjamin Quayle - (602) 616-6837 - bquayle@tynwaldcapital.com
AZ-05 Dave Schweikert - (602) 619-3330 - dave@david10.com
AZ-08 Jesse Kelly - (520) 907-5388 - kellyforcongress@live.com
CA-11 David Harmer - (925) 998-3458 - harmerdavidj@gmail.com
CA-19 Jeff Denham - (831) 595-6785 - jeff_denham@yahoo.com
CA-20 Andy Vidak - andy@vidakforcongress.com
CO-03 Scott Tipton - (970) 560-2631 - scottrtipton@yahoo.com
CO-04 Cory Gardner - (970) 597-0123 - cory@corygardner.net
FL-02 Steve Southerland - (850) 258-9082 - steve@southerlandforcongress.com
FL-05 Richard Nugent - (352) 428-0924 - Richard_Nugent1@msn.com
FL-08 Daniel Webster - (407) 947-5376 - senator_webster@yahoo.com
FL-12 Dennis Ross - (863) 255-1048 - Dross71803@aol.com
FL-22 Allen West - (954) 288-6934 - gowest@allenwestforcongress.com
FL-24 Sandy Adams - (321) 303-9214 - sadams4flhr33@aol.com
FL-25 David Rivera - (786) 258-2222 - Rivera2004@comcast.net
GA-07 Rob Woodall - (770) 366-4245 - rob@robwoodall.com
GA-08 Austin Scott - (229) 392-6992 - austin@scottforga.com
GA-09 Tom Graves - (770) 548-2288 - sovision@aol.com
ID-01 Raul Labrador - (208) 965-1622 - labrador4idaho@gmail.com
IL-08 Joe Walsh (847) 849-9508 - info@walshforcongress.com
IL-10 Bob Dold (847) 251-3653 - bob@bobdold.com
IL-11 Adam Kinzinger - (309) 287-6938 - aknznger@AOL.com
IL-14 Randy Hultgren - (630) 347-1136 - randy@hultgrenforcongress.com
IL-17 Bobby Schilling - (309) 428-9046 - bobbyschilling@gmail.com
IN-03 Marlin Stutzman - (260) 336-0809 - marlin@marlinstutzman.com
IN-04 Todd Rokita - (317) 414-5071 - trokita@hotmail.com
IN-08 Larry Bucshon - (812) 604-5812 - larrybucshon@gmail.com
IN-09 Todd Young - (812) 320-3736 - toddyoung@toddyoungforcongress.com
KS-01 Tim Huelskamp (620) 646-5413 - huelskampforcongress@rurallink.net
KS-03 Kevin Yoder - (913) 526-1990 - kyoder@kc.rr.com
KS-04 Michael Pompeo - (316) 393-6830 - mpompeo@sentryinternational.net
KY-06 Andy Barr - (859) 619-7381 - andy@andybarr.org
LA-03 Jeff Landry - (337) 380-1382 - jlandry@gjtbs.com
MD-01 Andy Harris - (443) 791-0691 - dr.andy.harris@gmail.com
MI-01 Dan Benishek - (906) 396-5839 - benishekforcongress@gmail.com
MI-02 Bill Huizenga - (616) 405-9216 - huizengaforhouse@charter.net
MI-03 Justin Amash - (616) 881-3390 - justin@justinamash.com
MI-07 Tim Walberg - (517) 673-0507 - congressmanwalberg@gmail.com
MN-08 Chip Cravaack - (651) 395-0785 - chip@votechip.org
MO-04 Vicky Hartzler - (816) 392-1582 - vicky79@me.com
MO-07 Billy Long - (417) 839-0061 - auctnr1@aol.com
MS-01 Alan Nunnelee - (662) 213-3571 - alan@senatornunnelee.com
MS-04 Steven Palazzo - (228) 596-8297 - spalazzo@palazzocpa.com
NC-02 Renee Ellmers - renee@reneeforcongress.com
ND-AL Rick Berg - (701) 866-9077 - Berg@bergforcongress.com
NH-01 Frank Guinta - (603) 860-0474 - frankguinta@yahoo.com
NH-02 Charlie Bass - (603) 547-0570 - cfbass@comcast.net
NJ-03 Jon Runyan - (856) 466-3009 - runyanjon69@comcast.net
NM-02 Steve Pearce - (575) 202-9251 - stevehr3746@verizon.net
NV-03 Joe Heck - (702) 885-2626 - joe@heck4nevada.com
NY-13 Michael Grimm - (917) 885-6022 - mggbusiness@aol.com
NY-19 Nan Hayworth - (914) 584-5324 - nan@nanhayworth.com
NY-20 Chris Gibson - (518) 821-7807 - cpandmjgibson@aol.com
NY-24 Richard Hanna - (315) 794-9602 - rlhanna@roadrunner.com
NY-25 Ann Marie Buerkle - (315) 415-4233 - AnnMBuerkle@gmail.com
NY-29 Tom Reed - (607) 765-0487 - tjwreed@yahoo.com
OH-01 Steve Chabot - (513) 235-0150 - Stevechabot11@gmail.com
OH-06 Bill Johnson - (330) 261-2059 - bill.johnson@zoominternet.net
OH-15 Steve Stivers - (614) 581-5559 - stivers.steve@gmail.com
OH-16 Jim Renacci - (330) 336-7956 - jrenacci@sprynet.com
OH-18 Bob Gibbs - (330) 763-1224 - bob@bobgibbs.org
OK-05 James Lankford - (405) 990-9042 - James@jameslankford.com
PA-03 Mike Kelly - (724) 712-6312 - Mikekelly@zoominternet.net
PA-07 Pat Meehan - (215) 850-6352 - pmeehan@conradobrien.com
PA-08 Mike Fitzpatrick - (215) 514-0470 - mfitzpatrick@begleycarlin.com
PA-10 Tom Marino - (570) 772-3192 - realamon@aol.com
PA-11 Lou Barletta - (570) 578-0026 - loubarletta@gmail.com
SC-01 Tim Scott - (843) 343-4990 - tim@votetimscott.com
SC-03 Jeff Duncan - (864) 923-3188 - jeffduncan22@gmail.com
SC-04 Trey Gowdy - (864) 809-0917 - treygowdy@charter.net
SC-05 Mick Mulvaney - (803) 246-1001 - mickmulvaney@mac.com
SD-AL Kristi Noem - (605) 881-2526 - racota@dailypost.com
TN-03 Chuck Fleischmann - (423) 413-3767 - chuck@chuckforcongress.com
TN-04 Scott Desjarlais - (423) 280-1122 - tndesjarlais@charter.net
TN-06 Diane Black - (615) 397-9033 - diane.davidblack@comcast.net
TN-08 Steve Fincher - (731) 676-3555 - Fieldsofgrace5@yahoo.com
TX-17 Bill Flores - (281) 352-2476 - bflores@floresforcongress.org
TX-23 Quico Canseco - (210) 216-8169 - fquico@yahoo.com
TX-27 R. Blake Farenthold - (361) 533-3393
VA-02 Scott Rigell - (757) 619-8276 - esrigell@scottrigell.com
VA-05 Robert Hurt - (434) 489-7995 - robert@roberthurt.org
VA-09 Morgan Griffith - (540) 353-8287 - hmg1993@aol.com
VA-11 Keith Fimian - (703) 989-3782 - keith@fimian2010.com
WA-02 John Koster - (425) 308-9609 - repkoster@hotmail.com
WA-03 Jaime Herrera - (360) 609-0435 - jaimelherrera@hotmail.com
WA-09 Dick Muri - (253) 439-9797 - dick@dickmuri.com
WI-07 Sean Duffy - (715) 491-2345 - sean@seanpduffy.com
WI-08 Reid Ribble - (920) 378-7343 - RRibble@ribblegroup.com
WV-01 David McKinley - (304) 639-1188 - dmckinley@mckinleyassoc.com
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