Last week I reported that one of our volunteers in the South Bay (I incorrectly said Redondo Beach, she lives in Torrance) was targeted by vandals, as was a number of her neighbors on the same street. Apparently they were all singled out because their Obama yard signs.
The Daily Breeze picked up on the story a few days later:
Vandals over the weekend attacked homes in south Torrance that displayed support for President-elect Obama, spray-painting cars, walls, trees and campaign signs with swastikas and racial slurs.One bright spot in all this; apparently the vandalism brought neighbors together who had previously been opposite sides of the political fence.
One Hollywood Riviera resident awakened to find a large Nazi symbol on a tree, the N-word across her garage door and the phrase "Go back to Africa" scrawled across a front wall."They had painted a big swastika on my car and spray-painted out my bumper sticker," she said Monday. "It was pretty shocking. Immediately my heart began racing."
Torrance police Sgt. Bernard Anderson said officers took four vandalism reports Sunday morning. The Daily Breeze located a fifth home that was hit.
(One victim reported) "I had a lot of McCain-Palin supporters that came up to me and were so upset and were really expressing their support," she said. "They are sorry, (saying) `This shouldn't happen ever and it was a hate crime."'
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